Low FODMAP Chicken Soup is a soup recipe that is low in certain types of carbohydrates which are difficult to digest in some people.
Foods high in FODMAP are carbs that are resistant to digestion, whereby instead of being absorbed into the bloodstream they reach the far end of your intestine.
Here is where most of gut bacteria reside, then it uses these carbs for fuel, producing hydrogen gas which causes digestive symptoms in people that are sensitive.
Low FODMAP diets are usually temporary diet plans that are restrictive in nature. They provide many benefits for people with common digestive disorders.
Fodmap is an acronym which stands for Fermentable Oligo, Di, Mono-saccharides and polyols. Hope you will enjoy making this Low FODMAP Chicken Soup.
Some foods with Low Fodmap include, meats, fish, eggs, carrots, spinach, zucchini, bell peppers, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, rice, lactose-free milk. cheese etc.
In other words, these are short-chain carbohydrates that lead to digestive discomfort in some people mostly those that have irritable bowel syndrome,(IBS).
When on a Low Fodmap diet, one should eliminate those foods that are high in Fodmap.
Foods like cherries, mangoes, garlic, onions, asparagus, mushrooms, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, wheat based products, dairy products, honey, cashew nuts and many others.
You can also read the following Best Papaya and Carrot juice for healthy juices.
Ingredients For Making Low FODMAP Chicken Soup
500 g chicken breast, diced into small pieces
4 carrots, chopped
2 zucchini, chopped
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 L chicken broth
1 bay leaf
Salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
How To Prepare Low FODMAP Chicken Soup
- Heat the oil in a pot over medium heat, then add the chicken pieces and cook until the chicken is no longer pink.
- Add the carrots and zucchini and cook for about 6 minutes on medium heat.
- Add the chicken broth and bay leaf, cover, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.
- Season with salt and pepper and serve while still hot.

Low FODMAP Chicken Soup
Low FODMAP Chicken Soup is a soup recipe that is low in certain types of carbohydrates which are difficult to digest in some people.
Fodmap is an acronym which stands for Fermentable Oligo, Di, Mono-saccharides and polyols. Hope you will enjoy making this Low FODMAP Chicken Soup.
Some foods with Low Fodmap include, meats, fish, eggs, carrots, spinach, zucchini, bell peppers, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, rice, lactose-free milk. cheese etc.
In other words, these are short-chain carbohydrates that lead to digestive discomfort in some people mostly those that have irritable bowel syndrome,(IBS).
When on a Low Fodmap diet, one should eliminate those foods that are high in Fodmap.
Foods like cherries, mangoes, garlic, onions, asparagus, mushrooms, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, wheat based products, dairy products, honey, cashew nuts and many others.
You can also read the following Best Papaya and Carrot juice for healthy juices.
Ingredients For Making Low FODMAP Chicken Soup
How To Prepare Low FODMAP Chicken Soup
Add the carrots and zucchini and cook for about 6 minutes on medium heat.
Add the chicken broth and bay leaf, cover, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper and serve while still hot.